"Halal Food From Another Mother"

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Now Serving

Houston & DFW, TX

Why Zabihah Halal?

Animal isn't shot or electrecuted to die with stress & anxiety, which you consume.

Zabihah Halal vs Just Halal - slaughtered by hand, not by machines

Halal vs Non Halal- in the name of the creator (not sacrificed for other diety)

Haram (forbidden) - blood, pork (google behavior of pigs and you'll know why)

"Pig, for it divides the hoof & does not chew cud, is unclean to you." - Leviticus 11:7

*Pork Is In More Than Just Meat* (look for U or K symbol on packaging)

Gelatin, Glycerin, Enzymes (microbial 👍), Mono Diglycerides

Men, Watch The Plant Based Meat Containing Soy! (contains female hormone estrogen)

*FDA requires processed meat to be 3-10% real meat, the rest is soy lecithin*

I always have a delicious meal from Halal Eats ready when I break my fast at nightfall during Ramadan, as mentioned in Quran 2:187. 

Way Of Life SQ

Our Mission

Ziga Muhammad


 Halal Eats Meal Prep Delivery was started in 2020 as I lived with bachelors who were followers of the Turkish Gullen movement escaping persecution from their homeland because they work for non-westernized educational systems. I got the opportunity to fast my first whole month of Ramadan in which Gullenite families delivered dinner to the brothers and I. This selfless act gave birth to the business you see today.

 H.E.M.P.D. is determined to not only teach the American people about the way that the prophets prepared their animals for consumption, but to also make sure no single man has to experience the headache of deciding where and what to eat tonight.

 Why did the chicken cross the road? The zabihah halal slaughter was on the other side.

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